Wednesday 6 March 2013

Topic One.

1) Internet risks – give examples of four things that can go wrong with a transactional site?

Orders details can be entered incorrectly
A lot of people have concerns about Internet security, sites need to be constantly checked to ensure personal information isn't been shared
Technical issues can occur meaning businesses can lose sales. For examples - Sites may crash, slow connections etc
possibility of purchasing from a fake of fraudulent website, or item may not be to the standard the customer expected

A transactional site is a website that allows you to complete a full transaction, there is a connection between the business and the customer. For example Amazon and eBay are transactional sites.

2) Write down a definition for each:

E-commerce: (electric Commerce) is the process of buying and selling of a product or service over the Internet, this allows people to purchase goods with out having to leave the house
E-business: is the conducting of business on the Internet (hence Internet business) not only buying and selling, but also serving customers and collaborating with business partners. A good example is eBay which is a Internet business.

3) What is the difference between buy side and sell side eCommerce?

Buy side e-commerce is when a business organisation buys product from another business like a supplier or manufacturer.
Sell side e-commerce is when a business sells a product or service using the internet and and webpage.

Buy Side - Sell Side

4) Describe the different types of eBusiness

Figure taken from:

5) Which digital technology has the highest penetration rate? Explain and source your answer.

The Smart Phone: 50% penetration rate in less than ten years. This is because the smartphone offers so much more than any other phone, it allows you full access to the internet, take/make calls/texts/emails etc at any time anywhere.

6) Four drivers to adoption of sell-side e-commerce by business.

Expansion of their market
Decrease amount of inventory needed
Reduced Costs
Reduced risk of Cost

7) Four barriers to adoption of sell-side e-commerce by business.

Lack of time and resources
Lack of knowledge
Both parties need to be tech savvy

8) How might a restaurant benefit from an online presence?

A restaurant would benefit greatly from a online presence, personally i know I'm always 'googleing' places to eat and those places without a online presence don't get a look in. It gives customers the ability to see operating hours, specials, read menu's online and in some cases even allows you to book online. I think all restaurants should have a online presence to stay in the game.

9) What are some examples of Digital information?

Mobile phones/Tables

10) What is the semantic web? Are we there yet?

The Semantic Web is the extension of the World Wide Web that enables people to share content beyond the boundaries of applications and websites. Semantic Web

No, I don't feel we have a semantic web yet as the web is still dominated by search engines such as Google and Bing which require you to sift through information to find the correct thing.


Describe whether your experience of completing the PENA was positive or negative and give your reasons for your answer.

The experience with PENA was positive. It didn't take very long and most of the questions were easy to understand and answer.

Could you suggest an alternative delivery method for the PENA utilising any alternative media and/or technologies? Include any additional comments you may have

Possibly implementing the use of Video, as some people absorb more watching a video rather than reading.

Monday 4 March 2013


Hi Everyone! I'm Courtney, I am currently studying a Bachelor of Management  (Human Resource Management) at the University of Ballarat. 

This blog is a requirement of the e-Business class i'm taking. Over the next 12 weeks you can expect to find information relating to the world of e-Business including class questions and anything else i deem necessary to share. 

I'm fairly new to this blogging business so feel free to drop me some feedback.

Peace XO